Criminal Justice Studies - Indigenous Legal Studies
CRJS 3416 Indigenous Legal Studies
CRJS 1206
SOCI 3307 if taken between 2004-2008
Three hours of lecture per week for one term.
This course is designed to introduce the students to a broad range of topics pertaining to aboriginal persons in Canada. The focus is a historical and legal review of the status of First Nations Peoples in Canada. The Reserve System, Legislation such as the Indian Act, Self Governance, Civil Law suits and Land Claims are important historically and presently in that the issues have still not been adequately resolved in the eyes of many Canadian citizens. Furthermore, the sociological impact and implications of some of these issues, such as discrimination, abuse and alcoholism will be examined as they have arisen, often in relation to, or in response to, the aforementioned legal issues. This course may be credited towards Social Welfare and Social Development.