Physical and Health Education (PHED) - Introduction to Psychology I

PSYC 1106  Introduction to Psychology I


PSYC 1105


Three hours of lecture per week for one term.




Students review and evaluate core psychological models and evidence underlying human and animal behaviours. Specifically, students compare major psychological theories and methods, identify and use neuroscientific evidence to interpret psychological phenomena, apply developmental models and data to explain infants and children’s thoughts, feelings, and action tendencies. Students also observe and assess how perceptions of the world are contextdependent and biased, determine the powerful mechanisms of learning, and examine the symptoms and causes of psychological disorders.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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