Certificate in Applied Behaviour Science (ABS) - Practicum in Applied Behavioural Sciences

CHFS 4205  Practicum in Applied Behavioural Sciences


CHFS-3036 or PSYC-3036; CHFS-3137 or PSYC-3137; and with approval of the Department


PSYC 4225


180 hours of blended experiential learning.




Students gain experience across various sectors and fields of practice (e.g., PBS, ABA, OBM), in front-line responder or service provision settings or team-based organizational settings. Students engage in blended experiential learning, including seminar, module, case-based pedagogy, and institutional or community-based experience, as applicable. Settings may include schools, intervention/treatment centres, justice/correctional settings, long-term care facilities, traumatic brain injury/rehabilitation centers. Hours must be completed within teams proficient in applied behavioural science principles and strategies. This course may be credited towards Psychology.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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