Honours Specialization - Pygmalion Remixed
ENGL 2366 Pygmalion Remixed
Three credits of 1000 level ENGL (excluding ENGL 1501,
ENGL 1502) or any 18 credits completed (excluding ENGL
1501, ENGL 1502,
ENGL 2001,
ENGL 2011)
ENGL 2116 if taken as Topic Pygmalion Remixed (FW 2019;
FW 2021)
3 hours of lecture per week
Students learn how the ancient myth of Pygmalion and the statue that comes to life has remained culturally relevant up to the present day. Students trace how the story has been adapted in a variety of genres, media, and time periods to convey fantasies and fears about technology, gender, and the reshaping of bodies and identities. Students employ the skills of close reading and comparative analysis to investigate literary and cinematic adaptations of the myth.