Undergraduate and Professional Studies
Program Requirements
Minor in Media, Representation and Social Justice

Minor in Media, Representation and Social Justice
Minor in Media, Representation and Social Justice
Graduation Requirements:
A Minor in Media, Representation and Social Jutice is available to students pursuing a program of study in a different discipline. Students will need to achieve a minimum 60% average in the 18 credits presented for the Minor in Media, Culture and Social Justice. In addition to the requirements listed below, please refer to the Minor Requirements section.
Program Requirements:
Students must complete 18 credits for a Media, Representation and Social Justice minor as follows:
GEND 2206 | Makeover Culture | 3 cr. |
GEND 2047 | Gender and Social Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 2166 | Women, Media and Representation | 3 cr. |
GEND 2276 | Kid Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 2316 | Masculinities Money and Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 2376 | Selected Topics in Kid Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 2305 | Women in Cinema | 6 cr. |
GEND 2306 | Art and Social Justice | 3 cr. |
GEND 3046 | Queer Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 3076 | Reality TV and the Politics of Difference | 3 cr. |
GEND 2056 | Selected Topics in Culture and Criticism | 3 cr. |
GEND 3055 | Selected Topics (Advanced) in Culture and Criticism | 6 cr. |
GEND 3316 | Race ,Murder and Media | 3 cr. |
GEND 3326 | Digital Beasts | 3 cr. |
ENGL 2126 | Topics in Visual Storytelling | 3 cr. |
ENGL 3036 | Topics in Media Studies | 3 cr. |
ENGL 3047 | Topics in Digital Culture | 3 cr. |
ENGL 3606 | Topics in Popular Culture | 3 cr. |
Students may not apply to graduate with a Minor in Media, Representation and Social Justice and an Honours Specialization, Specialization or Major in Gender Equality and Social Justice.