Undergraduate and Professional Studies
Program Requirements
Certificate in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide)

Certificate in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide)
Certificate in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide)
Graduation Requirements:
This certificate is restricted to students in a History program and will be awarded at the time of graduation.
Program Requirements:
All of: | ||
HIST 1206 | Blood and Soil: An Introduction to the History Genocide | 3 cr. |
HIST 2206 | W-A-R (Whiskey, Alpha, Romeo): An Introduction to War in the Modern Age | 3 cr. |
Twelve credits of: | ||
HIST 1006 or HIST 1007 | 1006: Introduction to Historical Studies Topic: Global History of World War I or HIST 1007: Global History of World War II |
3 cr. |
HIST 2137 | The Global Cold War | 3 cr. |
HIST 2336 | The Vietnam War | 3 cr. |
HIST 3116 | Topics in European or World History I Topic: Kriegsspiel: Warfare Imagined |
3 cr. |
HIST 3117 | Topics in European or World History II Topic: Cold War in Fact, Fiction, and Film |
3 cr. |
HIST 3126 | Topics in European or World History III Topic: The Object of Terror is Terror: Modern Terrorism in Historical Perspective |
3 cr. |
HIST 3127 | Topics in European or World History IV Topic: Savage Wars of Peace: Decolonization, War, and Insurgency |
3 cr. |
HIST 3526 | Spooks: The Rise of the Secret Security State in the 20th Century | 3 cr. |
HIST 3565 | Justice or Vengeance? Mass Atrocity, War Crimes, and Perpetrator Trials in History | 6 cr. |
HIST 3626 | Swastikas, Swords, and Symbols: The Fascist Phenomenon in Historical Perspective | 3 cr. |
HIST 3627 | Post-1945 Europe | 3 cr. |
HIST 3705 | The Holocaust: Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Genocide of European Jews | 6 cr. |
HIST 3716 | Russian History From Kievan Rus' To the Russian Revolutions of 1917 | 3 cr. |
HIST 3717 | Russian-Soviet History From 1917 to 1991 | 3 cr. |
HIST 3005 | History Travel Course | 6 cr. |
HIST 3806 | Experiential Learning Course | 3 cr. |
HIST 4805 | War and Genocide in the Twentieth Century | 6 cr. |
HIST 4615 | Special Topics. Topic: War and Society | 6 cr. |
HIST 4617 | Special Topics. Topic: War and Society | 3 cr. |
HIST 4815 | The Third Reich | 6 cr. |
HIST 4817 | The Third Reich | 3 cr. |