Sociology (SOCI)
SOCI 2006 The Child and SocietySOCI 2007 The Adolescent and Society
SOCI 2126 Introduction to Sociological Research Methods
SOCI 2127 Quantitative Research Methods
SOCI 3077 Mass Culture and Mass Media Ii: Mass Culture in Modern Societies
SOCI 4006 Independent Studies
SOCI 4007 Independent Studies II
SOCI 4096 Honours Thesis I
SOCI 4097 Honours Thesis II
SOCI 4547 Honours Seminar
SOCI 4557 Honours Seminar
SOCI 1016 Introduction to Sociology
SOCI 2036 Gerontology: Aging and Society
SOCI 2037 Sociology of the Family
SOCI 2046 Ethnicity and Racialization
SOCI 2076 Deviance, Crime & Social Control
SOCI 2096 Sociology of Education
SOCI 2097 Social Issues in Education
SOCI 2236 Love, Sex and Intimacy
SOCI 2237 Human Sexual Behaviour
SOCI 3006 Social Movements and Moral Panics
SOCI 3026 Work, Employment and Society
SOCI 3057 Population and Society
SOCI 3076 Digital Media and Society
SOCI 4137 Topics in Aging and Health
SOCI 4016 Social Processes and Social Structure
SOCI 3167 Society and Mental Disorder
SOCI 2016 Classical Sociological Theory
SOCI 2017 Contemporary Sociological Theory
SOCI 2027 Sociology of Nursing
SOCI 2066 Social Inequality
SOCI 2196 Sociology of Medicine
SOCI 3007 Consumer Culture
SOCI 3036 Qualitative Research Methods
SOCI 3166 The Social Determinants of Health
SOCI 3256 Globalization and Development
SOCI 3506 Social Problems
SOCI 3016 Critical Perspectives on Sociological Theory
SOCI 3186 Health and the Family
SOCI 3226 Survey Research
SOCI 3956 Special Topics in Sociology
SOCI 4127 Advanced Social Data Analysis
SOCI 4206 Determinants of Population Change
SOCI 4227 Science, Technology and Environment
SOCI 3957 Special Topics in Sociology II
SOCI 3187 Gaming Subcultures
SOCI 5206 Determinants of Population Change
SOCI 5115 Major Research Paper
SOCI 5517 Program & Policy Evaluation
SOCI 5617 Directed Studies I
SOCI 5417 Qualitative Analysis
SOCI 5106 Advanced Sociological Theory
SOCI 5516 Special Topics I
SOCI 5216 Research Design
SOCI 5627 Directed Studies II
SOCI 5505 Thesis Research Project Practicum
SOCI 5454 Thesis Research Project
SOCI 5526 Special Topics II
SOCI 5547 Education and Inequality
SOCI 5217 Quantitative Analysis
SOCI 5507 Major Research Paper Practicum
SOCI 5227 Science, Technology and Environment