
Registration Status for Graduate Students

Graduate Students are referred to as full-time or flex-time on the basis of the program in which they are enrolled. Regardless of this classification, all students have access to university facilities and are expected to take part in the academic life of their program and the university. All graduate students are deemed to be full-time unless declared otherwise.

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Time-to-Completion Regulations

Academic Year

The School of Graduate Studies operates on a trimester basis, with three terms defined as: Fall Term (September to December); Winter Term (January to April); and Spring/Summer Term (May to August). The academic year begins with a Fall Term followed by a Winter Term.

Program Full-time MaxFlex-time MaxPart-time Max 
Doctor of Philosophy in Education 6 years not avail not avail  
MA History
(1 year MRP)
  2 years not avail 6 years  
MSc Math
(1 year MRP)
  2 years not avail 6 years  
(1 year MRP)
  2 years not avail 6 years  
(2 year Thesis)
  3 years 3-4 years 6 years  
MEd 2 year Thesis/MRP/Course Based 2 years
(option to extend an extra year)
3-4 years 6 years  

A year is based on three terms: fall, winter, spring/summer

Nipissing Balance of Degree Fee

The minimum total academic fee is predetermined by the length of the graduate program into which a student is admitted. Please refer to the time of completion section of the academic regulations document.

Full-time/Part-time graduate students are required to pay academic fees equal to the total minimum fee paid by a full-time student in the same program regardless of the time to completion. This balance of degree fee is assessed just prior to graduation and is based on the tuition fee in effect at the time of graduation.

Maximum Registration

In the event that a student does not complete the program in the allocated time period, inclusive of the alloted 3, single-term extensions, he/she will be withdrawn from the program for failure to complete. Should the student wish to appeal the withdrawal from the program and continue beyond the maximum time, he/she is required to submit an appeal for an extension to the School of Graduate Studies.  The following elements must be included:

  • a rationale for the requested extension, outlining why the student was unable to complete the program within the stipulated time frame;
  • an evaluation report from the student’s supervisory committee which includes a letter of recommendation from the student’s faculty advisor/research supervisor in support of the request for extension;
  • an approved plan of study for timely degree completion, signed by the student, the research supervisor and the Graduate Coordinator/Chair.

In the event that the student, faculty advisor, and/or research supervisor are unable to agree on a plan of study for degree completion, the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate must provide a letter commenting on the feasibility of the plan provided by the student.

The Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate will grant or deny the request for the extension based on the submissions provided. Where the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate supports the request, he/she may also provide advice and recommendations on the proposed plan of study. The student will be charged the appropriate continuation fee(s). Failure to complete the degree program within the prescribed time frame following the appeal to the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate will result in withdrawal from the program and cannot be appealed.

Where the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate denies the request, the student may appeal to the Standing and Petitions Committee. The procedures for submitting a petition to the Standings and Petitions Committee can be found in the University Regulations section of the Academic Calendar.

Continuous Registration

All graduate students are required to enroll in course offerings from each academic term until they have completed the program requirements. The student is responsible to ensure he/she is registered by the appropriate deadline for each term.

Students who have failed to register or re-register by the deadline, and have not been granted a Leave of Absence, will be registered in a university placeholder course and will be assessed appropriate fees.

Students wanting to complete their program after they have been withdrawn from their program must apply for readmission and pay the application fee. Students should be aware that in the event of readmission, continuation of the same research project and/or supervisor cannot be guaranteed. Additionally, students maybe unable to count previously earned graduate credits toward the degree completion of their degree.


Under exceptional circumstances, the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate, may permit the extension of one term to a maximum of three terms. All requests for extensions shall use the appropriate form and should be directed to the Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair who will make a recommendation to the Associate Vice President, Academic or Designate. There are no retroactive leaves of extension.

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Leave of Absence

The requirement for continuous registration supports students toward the timely completion of their studies. However, the university recognizes that from time to time students may need to be absent from their studies. Upon recommendation of the Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair, the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies, or Designate may grant the following leaves of absence.

Note: Leaves of absence may not be used to pursue any activities which form part of a study plan (such as field experience, individual study, directed study or individual research), or for which any form of residual program credit might otherwise be requested.

Elective Leave of Absence

Students applying for an elective leave of absence do not have to provide grounds for their request as long as it is submitted in a timely fashion.


  • An elective leave of absence is granted for only one term over the course of the degree program; and
  • students must have already completed at least two terms of study.

Exceptional Circumstances Leave of Absence

Students applying for a leave of absence under exceptional circumstances are those who face a type of hardship that takes them from their studies, such as medical, professional or compassionate circumstances.


  • An exceptional circumstances leave of absence is granted for up to three terms during the course of the degree program.

Maternity Leave of Absence

Available to students, during and immediately, following a pregnancy.


  • A maternity leave of absence is granted for up to three terms per pregnancy during the course of the degree program.

Parental Leave of Absence

Available to students for whom parental responsibilities are such that they require the student to be absent from their studies.


  • A parental leave of absence is granted for only one term per child over the course of the degree program.

No Course Available Leave of Absence

Available to students who have yet to complete course work if no suitable course is offered in any given term.


  • A no course available leave of absence is granted on a term-by-term basis only during the course of the degree program; and
  • does not apply if the student is registered as working on a thesis or major research paper, or has an incomplete grade or in-progress grade at the end of the previous term.

Once on leave, students will neither be registered nor will they be required to pay fees for this period. In general, students on leave may not make demands upon the resources of the University (such as the library, laboratories or gymnasium), attend classes, or expect advice from their supervisor. Students on leave will not be eligible to receive internal awards or funds from Nipissing University. In the case of other graduate student awards or funds, the regulations of the particular granting agency apply.

Except where noted and in special circumstances, it is not expected that a student will be granted more than one leave of absence. An elective leave of absence will only ever be approved once. Requests for a leave of absence must be received prior to the registration deadline of the term to be effective for that term. Requests received after the registration deadline will only become effective in the following academic term. Requests cannot be approved retroactively.

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Voluntary Withdrawal

Students who withdraw from a graduate program must immediately inform the Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair and their Research Supervisor in writing, using the Voluntary Withdrawal form. Immediate notification is important since the amount and speed of possible fee reimbursement is influenced by the date of withdrawal. The Graduate Coordinator/Graduate Chair will forward the withdrawal notice to the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies.

A withdrawal is not official until it has been received by the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies and the Office of the Registrar. Under no circumstances will the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies back-date a withdrawal notice.

After a request to voluntarily withdraw has been processed by the Office of the Registrar, the student is then officially withdrawn. In all but Thesis or MRP, a mark of “W” (Withdrawn) or “F” (Failed) may appear on a student’s academic record, depending on the date that the withdrawal request has been received. In an MRP or Thesis course, a mark of “W ” will appear on the student’s academic record.

Discontinuing attendance in classes, failure to submit any assignments, notification to the instructor, or stopping payment on a cheque, do not constitute official withdrawal.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: 705.474.3450 | Fax: 705.474.1947 | TTY: 877.688.5507

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