Certificate in Applied Behaviour Science (ABS)

Certificate in Applied Behavioural Sciences (ABS)

Program Requirements:

Students must complete the following 18 credits:

CHFS 3036 

Ethics in Practice

3 cr.
CHFS 3136  ABS I: Introduction to Applied Behavioural Sciences 3 cr.
CHFS 3137  ABS II: Advanced Topics in Applied Behavioural Sciences 3 cr.
CHFS 4205  Practicum in Applied Behavioural Sciences 6 cr.
Three credits from the following based on student sector of interest (practicum settings will be guided and approved based on the selected elective(s))::

PSYC 2306 or

PSYC 2506

Psychology of Industry and Work I or

Health Psychology

3 cr.
CHFS 3116 or
PSYC 3117
Perspectives in Autism 3 cr.
CHFS 3127 

Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders

3 cr.
PSYC 3636

Psychology of Corrections

3 cr.
SWLF 3826


3 cr.
CHFS 4106

Intervention: Planning for Neurodivergence

3 cr.
CHFS 4206  Applied Developmental Neuropsychology 3 cr.
SOCI 4137 Topics: Aging and Health 3 cr.
CHFS 4306 Topics: Developmental, Behavioural, and Mental Health 3 cr.


The certificate in ABA will be awarded at the time of graduation.

Equivalent courses may be approved from year to year, such as for example a Topics course in a related discipline, or advanced standing from previously completed training or pathways external to the institution. Please seek departmental approval, prior to
securing practicum settings.

The certificate in Applied Behavioural Science (ABS) will be awarded at the time of graduation.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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