Study of Societies in Transition Certificate

The Certificate in the Study of Societies in Transition: Reciprocity, Relationship, and Reconciliation Histories

Graduation Requirements:

Certificate Requirements: The SIT Certificate will be 15 credits and will be open to all enrolled students.

The Certificate in the Study of Societies in Transition: Reciprocity, Relationship, and Reconciliation Histories credits as outlined below:


Program Requirements:


All of:    
HIST 1306    or Animating the Land: Nbisiing Nishnaabeg Histories or  3 cr.
INDG 1006 Madjitang, in the Beginning  
HIST 2447    or
Indigenous Treaties or 3 cr.
INDG 2906 Indigenous Philosophy - Inaadiziwin  
NINE credits of, with at least SIX credits at the 3000 level:  
HIST 1506 The Idea of Canada 3 cr.
HIST 1236 Strong, Wise, and Beautiful: Women in 20th Century Canada 3 cr.
INDG 1506 On the Land/From the Land: Indigenous Worldview 3 cr.
INDG 1306 Ojibwe 1 3 cr.
INDG 1307 Ojibwe 2 3 cr. 
ENGL 1126 Literature and the Land 3 cr. 
ANTH 2006 Ethnographic Imagination 3 cr. 
ANTH 2026 Archaeology I 3 cr. 
HIST 2016 Colonialism and Resettlement in the Canadian West 3 cr. 
INDG 2026 Indigenous Art and Creativity 3 cr. 
INDG 2106 Oral and Literary Storywork 3 cr. 
INDG 2206 Indigenous Screen Cultures 3 cr. 
INDG 2406 Indigenous Families – Colonial Impacts and Contemporary Responses 3 cr. 
INDG 2907 Indigenous Philosophy - Bimaadsiwin 3 cr. 
RLCT 2096  Religion, Colonialism, and State Violence 3 cr. 
ANTH 3006 Anthropology of Development in the Canadian North  3 cr. 
ANTH 3027 Indigenous Peoples and the State  3 cr. 
ENGL 3277  Topics in the Indigenous Literatures of North America  3 cr. 
HIST 3346  First Nations in Historical Perspective  3 cr. 
HIST 3306  Canada’s Forgotten War: Obwandiyag and the Defence  3 cr.
HIST 3307 Gaa Bi Kidwaad Maa Nbisiing: Nbisiing Nishnaabeg Histories 3 cr.
HIST 3806 Experiential Learning Course 3 cr.
INDG 3106 Indigenous Health and Wellness 3 cr.
INDG 3416 The News and First Peoples 3 cr.
INDG 3406 Colonialism in First Nations’ Communities 3 cr.
INDG 3606 Special Topics in Indigenous Studies I 3 cr.
INDG 3607 Special Topics in Indigenous Studies II 3 cr.
GEND 3066 Invasion and Resistance 3 cr.
GEND 3216 Testimony and Witness 3 cr.
GEND 3227 Justice After Atrocity 3 cr.
GEND 3356 International Rights of Indigenous People 3 cr.
POLI 3216 Post Conflict Stabilization, Reconstruction, and Reconciliation 3 cr.
POLI 3236 Conflict, Power, and Persuasion: Indigenous Negotiations in Canada 3 cr.
SWLF 3406 Colonialism in First Nations 3 cr.
SWLF 3407 Social Development in First Nations 3 cr.

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100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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