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Academic Calendar
Course Listings
Aboriginal Leadership (LEAD)
Academic Writing (ACAD)
Accounting (ACCT)
Administrative Studies (ADMN)
Anthropology (ANTR)
Arts and Culture (CULT)
Arts and Culture Management (ACMT)
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Child and Family Studies (CHFS)
Classical Studies (CLAS)
Computer Science (COSC)
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Digital Humanities (DIGI)
Economics (ECON)
Education (EDUC)
English Studies (ENGL)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
Film (FILM)
Finance (FINC)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
French (FREN)
Gender Equality and Social Justice (GEND)
General Science (GSCI)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
History (HIST)
Kinesiology (KINE)
Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
Marketing (MKTG)
Mathematics (MATH)
Native Studies (NATI)
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing Distance (NSGD)
Organizational Studies (ORGS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical and Health Education (PHED)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Russian (RUSS)
Science and Technology (STEC)
Social Welfare and Social Development (SWLF)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
Spanish (ESPA)
Technology Management (TMGT)
University Success (UNIV)
Course Listings
Fine Arts (FAVA)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
FAVA 1008 Arts Practice: Drawing
FAVA 1009 Arts Practice: Printmaking
FAVA 1026 Studio Foundations
FAVA 1027 Contemporary Studio Practice
FAVA 1206 Art History I
FAVA 1207 Art History II
FAVA 2006 Observational Drawing
FAVA 2007 Expressive Drawing
FAVA 2026 Painting: Historical Methods and Material
FAVA 2027 Painting: Contemporary Methods and Materials
FAVA 2046 Sculpture: Modelling and Replication
FAVA 2047 Sculpture II
FAVA 2086 Drawing From Life
FAVA 2126 Printmaking: Screenprinting
FAVA 2127 Printmaking: Lithography
FAVA 2226 Printmaking: Intaglio
FAVA 2227 Printmaking: Relief
FAVA 2236 Art Against the Academy
FAVA 2237 Modern Art and Architecture
FAVA 2246 Art and Narrative
FAVA 2247 Art and Mythology
FAVA 2266 Sex and Visual Art
FAVA 2276 Visualizing Canada Pre-1900
FAVA 2277 Arts and Culture in Modern and Contemporary Canada
FAVA 2406 Drawing: Image and Ideation
FAVA 2407 Painting: Memory, Imagination and Narrative
FAVA 2416 Sculpture: Carving and Reduction
FAVA 2417 Sculpture: Material and Structure
FAVA 2426 Digital Photography
FAVA 2427 Video and Time-Based Media
FAVA 2506 Figure Study
FAVA 2507 Art Abroad
FAVA 2516 Community-Based Practice
FAVA 3006 Renaissance(s): Art and the Global Encounter
FAVA 3046 Critical Theories of Art History and Visual Studies
FAVA 3056 Advanced Painting
FAVA 3057 Explorations in Painting
FAVA 3096 Drawing: Contemporary Approaches
FAVA 3097 Explorations in Drawing
FAVA 3106 Interdisciplinary Practice
FAVA 3136 Advanced Printmaking
FAVA 3137 Mixed Print Media
FAVA 3146 Explorations in Sculpture
FAVA 3147 Extended Sculpture Practice
FAVA 3156 Explorations in Digital Media
FAVA 4066 Issues in Curation and Museum Representation
FAVA 4067 Special Topics in Art History and Visual Studies
FAVA 4125 Directed Studio Research and Professional Practice
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947
Nipissing University 2024