BA Honours Specialization

Honours Specialization in Computer Science (BA)

Graduation Requirements:

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must also satisfy the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree requirements, which include regulations on first year and subject maximum and breadth requirements.

Program Requirements:

Students will need to achieve a minimum 70% average in the 60 credits presented for the Honours Specialization in Computer Science.

Students must complete 120 credits including 60 credits in the Honours Specialization as follows:
All of the following:  
COSC 1557 Introduction to Computer Science 3 cr.
COSC 1567 Programming in C++ 3 cr.
COSC 1757 Digital Systems 3 cr.
COSC 2006 Data Structures I  3 cr.
COSC 2106 Machine Structures I  3 cr.
COSC 2667 Operating Systems I  3 cr.
COSC 2767 Object Oriented Programming  3 cr.
COSC 3306 Programming Paradigms  3 cr.
COSC 3606 Databases and Data Management  3 cr.
COSC 3657 Distributed Systems  3 cr.
COSC 4406 Software Engineering  3 cr.
COSC 4000 level   6 cr.
Computer Science Options (Honours Specialization list) 6 cr.
All of the following: 15 cr.
MATH 1036 Calculus I  
MATH 1037 Calculus II  
MATH 1046 Introductory Linear Algebra  
MATH 1056 Discrete Mathematics I  
MATH 2046 Advanced Linear Algebra  



Breadth Requirements and Electives:

ACAD 1601   3 cr.
Humanities 3 cr.
Social Science and/or Professional Studies 6 cr.
Electives 48 cr.

Group Requirements:

Computer Science Options for the Honours Specialization (3 credits each)
COSC 1666 Engineering Graphics  
COSC 2007 Data Structures II  
COSC 2107 Machine Structures II  
COSC 2116 Artificial Neural Networks  
COSC 2206 Mathematical Computation  
COSC 2216 Introduction to Computational Geometry  
COSC 2406 Introduction to Game Design and Development  
COSC 3006 Numerical Methods I  
COSC 3007 Artificial Intelligence  
COSC 3017 Introduction to Robotics  
COSC 3206 Theory of Computation  
COSC 3207 Computer Graphics  
COSC 3307 3D Computer Graphics  
COSC 3406 Advanced Game Design and Development  
COSC 3407 Systems Control  
COSC 3706 The Computing Profession  
COSC 3806 Service Computing  
COSC 3807 Project Management  
COSC 3997 Senior Practicum  
COSC 4106 Human Computer Interaction  
COSC 4127 Real-Time Programming  
COSC 4206 Topics in Computer Science  
COSC 4207 Seminars in Computer Science  
COSC 4896 Honours Research I  
COSC 4897 Honours Research II  
COSC 4997 Honours Practicum  

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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