
Faculty of Applied and Professional Studies

This sections presents the requirements for:


Collaborative Program 

This is a Collaborative program offered by Nipissing University and Canadore College. In this program, faculty and students explore curriculum content, nursing concepts, and nursing issues founded on scientific principles and on an understanding of the human health experience.

Nursing students learn to use communication, critical thinking, and caring to co-create health with individual, group and community clients. Clients are viewed as unique in that each comes with experiences and knowledge that inform health work. Health is seen as a personal and societal resource.

The meaning of health is defined, as it is understood, by the client. The environment in which health and nursing occur is influenced by factors such as physical, socio-political, and economic. The nursing education process values uniqueness, open inquiry, and commitment to continued education. Graduates from the program will have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to practice as beginning professional nurses in a variety of clinical settings.

RPN to BScN Program 

The BScN is also offered to graduates of Practical Nurse diploma programs. The RPN to BScN program grants advanced standing to students for much of Year 1 and a bridging Year 2 to integrate PNs into the program. Therefore, PNs begin their program with Year 2 in the Collaborative program. The RPN to BScN stream is a 3 year full time program.

RPN to BScN Blended Learning Program 

The RPN to BScN program is also offered in an alternative delivery format called the Blended Learning Program. This 5 year, part-time program is offered by Nipissing University to RPN’s who are employed at partnered health care agencies throughout Ontario and is delivered through online theory courses and face to face clinical practicum courses.


Scholar Practitioner Program

The Scholar Practitioner Program is a 24 month degree completion route for candidates who already possess a university degree.


Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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