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Academic Calendar
Course Listings
Aboriginal Leadership (LEAD)
Academic Writing (ACAD)
Accounting (ACCT)
Administrative Studies (ADMN)
Anthropology (ANTR)
Arts and Culture (CULT)
Arts and Culture Management (ACMT)
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Child and Family Studies (CHFS)
Classical Studies (CLAS)
Computer Science (COSC)
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Digital Humanities (DIGI)
Economics (ECON)
Education (EDUC)
English Studies (ENGL)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
Film (FILM)
Finance (FINC)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
French (FREN)
Gender Equality and Social Justice (GEND)
General Science (GSCI)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
History (HIST)
Kinesiology (KINE)
Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
Marketing (MKTG)
Mathematics (MATH)
Native Studies (NATI)
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing Distance (NSGD)
Organizational Studies (ORGS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical and Health Education (PHED)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Russian (RUSS)
Science and Technology (STEC)
Social Welfare and Social Development (SWLF)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
Spanish (ESPA)
Technology Management (TMGT)
University Success (UNIV)
Course Listings
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
RLCT 1206 What Does It All Mean? Religious Perspectives
RLCT 1207 Selected Topics in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 2016 Practicing Religion: Rituals, Ceremonies and Celebrations
RLCT 2017 Death and Immortality
RLCT 2026 The Roots of Evil
RLCT 2036 History of Christian Thought I
RLCT 2037 History of Christian Thought II
RLCT 2046 Global Spiritualities: Religious Traditions in the Contemporary World
RLCT 2056 Religion and Violence
RLCT 2057 Peace and Non-Violence
RLCT 2066 Death, Dying and Spirituality
RLCT 2067 Special Topics in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 2076 Conflict and Conversion
RLCT 2116 Health Healing and Religion
RLCT 2117 Cults and New Religious Movements
RLCT 2126 Religious Themes in Literature
RLCT 2127 The Bible As Cultural Text
RLCT 2136 Examining the Paranormal
RLCT 2146 World Religions: Eastern Traditions
RLCT 2147 World Religions: Western Traditions
RLCT 2156 Religion, Justice and Animals
RLCT 2205 Sacred Cinema: Film and the Search for Meaning
RLCT 3026 Women and World Religions
RLCT 3046 Science vs. Religion?
RLCT 3056 Special Topics in Religions and Cultures
RLCT 3066 Religion, Spirituality and Social Justice
RLCT 3116 Women and Western Religions
RLCT 3117 Gender, Sex, and the Bible
RLCT 3205 Philosophy of Sex and Love
RLCT 3206 Theories of Religion
RLCT 3216 Is God Dead? Faith in the Modern World
RLCT 3226 Fanaticism
RLCT 3307 Spiritual Journeys
RLCT 3506 Religions and Politics
RLCT 3507 Religion and the Environment
RLCT 4005 Guided Readings in Religions and Culture
RLCT 4006 Advanced Studies in Religion
RLCT 4016 Advanced Studies in Religion
RLCT 4205 Honours Seminar in Religions & Cultures
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947
Nipissing University 2024