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Academic Calendar
Course Listings
Aboriginal Leadership (LEAD)
Academic Writing (ACAD)
Accounting (ACCT)
Administrative Studies (ADMN)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Arts and Culture (CULT)
Arts and Culture Management (ACMT)
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Child and Family Studies (CHFS)
Classical Studies (CLAS)
Computer Science (COSC)
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Digital Humanities (DIGI)
Economics (ECON)
Education (EDUC)
English Studies (ENGL)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
Film (FILM)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
Finance (FINC)
First Year Foundations Experience (FYFE)
French (FREN)
Gender Equality and Social Justice (GEND)
General Science (GSCI)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
History (HIST)
Kinesiology (KINE)
Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
Marketing (MKTG)
Mathematics (MATH)
Native Studies (NATI)
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing Distance (NSGD)
Organizational Studies (ORGS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical and Health Education (PHED)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Russian (RUSS)
Science and Technology (STEC)
Social Welfare and Social Development (SWLF)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
Spanish (ESPA)
Technology Management (TMGT)
University Success (UNIV)
Course Listings
History (HIST)
History (HIST)
HIST 1006 Introduction to Historical Studies
HIST 1007 The Second World War
HIST 1016 Introduction to Historical Studies
HIST 1106 Introduction to Historical Studies
HIST 1107 Introduction to Historical Studies
HIST 1206 “Blood and Soil”: An Introduction to the History of Genocide
HIST 1405 Power and Resistance in Canada's Past
HIST 2005 Canadian Social History
HIST 2016 Colonialism and Resettlement in the Canadian West
HIST 2026 Major Themes in Historical Studies
HIST 2106 Foundations of the Medieval World (315-1054)
HIST 2107 Order and Disorder in the Later Middle Ages (1054-1378)
HIST 2136 Peace, Order and Good Government: State and Society in Canada
HIST 2137 The Global Cold War
HIST 2146 Making Modern Britain, 1760-1914
HIST 2156 Honour and Worship in Europe, 1400-1600: Ritual, Status, and Culture
HIST 2157 Dealing With Diversity in Europe, 1600-1800: Tolerance and Intolerance
HIST 2166 Survival: Canada in Global Environmental History
HIST 2167 Bodies and Nature in the Environmental Era
HIST 2206 W-A-R (Whiskey Alpha Romeo): An Introduction to War in the Modern Age
HIST 2226 The Making of Modern Europe: From Revolution to Total War 1789-1914
HIST 2227 The Making of Modern Europe: From Total War to Revolution 1914 - 1991
HIST 2336 The Vietnam War
HIST 2377 History of Nursing
HIST 2516 Intro to American History
HIST 2517 Race and Racism in America
HIST 2626 Restraining the Hounds of War: Just War, International Law, and Human Rights in Modern International History
HIST 3005 History Travel Course
HIST 3036 Topics in the History of Canadian Culture and Identity
HIST 3106 Modern France
HIST 3116 Topics in European Or World History I
HIST 3117 Topics in European or World History II
HIST 3126 Topics in European Or World History III
HIST 3127 Topics in European Or World History IV
HIST 3136 Selected Topics in Women's and Gender History
HIST 3137 Crusade and Jihad
HIST 3146 Topics in Canadian History
HIST 3147 Topics in Canadian History
HIST 3196 Canada in the Twentieth Century: Selected Problems
HIST 3206 Furs, Fords and Free Trade: Business in Canadian History
HIST 3237 Global Environmental History
HIST 3246 History of Quebec Since 1760
HIST 3267 Food, Land and Subsistence in Human History
HIST 3276 Topics in Environmental History
HIST 3286 Taking Liberties: Human Rights in Canadian History
HIST 3297 Place and People in Rural Canada
HIST 3346 First Nations in Historical Perspective
HIST 3355 Topics in the History of Women and Gender in Canada
HIST 3417 War and Peace in the 20th Century
HIST 3426 England 1460-1560
HIST 3427 Crown, Community and Conflict in Britain, 1560–1660
HIST 3517 Topics in American History
HIST 3526 Spooks: the Rise of the Secret Security State in the 20th Century
HIST 3565 Justice or Vengeance? Mass Atrocity, War Crimes, and Perpetrator Trials in Historical Perspective
HIST 3567 Slavery and the American Civil War
HIST 3576 America in the Colonial Era II
HIST 3577 The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1825
HIST 3626 Swastikas, Swords, and Symbols: The Fascist Phenomenon in Historical Perspective
HIST 3627 Post 1945 Europe
HIST 3705 The Holocaust: Nazi Germany, World War II and the Genocide of European Jews
HIST 3716 Russian History From Kievan Rus' To the Russian Revolutions of 1917
HIST 3717 Russian-Soviet History From 1917 to 1991
HIST 3805 History of Islamic Civilization
HIST 3806 Experiential Learning Course
HIST 3816 Canada in the World
HIST 3906 Experiential Learning for OMAH Students I
HIST 3907 Experiential Learning for OMAH Students II
HIST 3936 History of Sexuality in Western Societies I
HIST 3937 History of Sexuality in Western Societies II: Transformations of Modernity
HIST 3946 History of Sport in Canada
HIST 3946 History of Sport in Canada
HIST 3947 Sport and Spectacle in Modern Society
HIST 4015 Directed Studies
HIST 4055 Research Project
HIST 4185 Canada in the Twentieth Century
HIST 4325 Oral History
HIST 4335 Topics in American History
HIST 4385 Gender in Canadian History
HIST 4435 Sexuality and Gender in Europe, 1300–1600
HIST 4485 Environmental History
HIST 4605 Special Topics
HIST 4607 Special Topics
HIST 4615 Special Topics
HIST 4617 Special Topics
HIST 4625 Special Topics
HIST 4627 Special Topics
HIST 4665 Twentieth Century International History to 1953
HIST 4805 War and Genocide in the Twentieth Century
HIST 4815 The Third Reich
HIST 4817 The Third Reich
HIST 5006 Methods in Historical Research I
HIST 5007 Methods in Historical Research II
HIST 5116 Canadian History
HIST 5207 European History
HIST 5307 International History
HIST 5406 Gender History
HIST 5506 Directed Studies
HIST 5606 Environmental History
HIST 5995 Major Research Paper
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947
Nipissing University 2024