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Academic Calendar
Course Listings
Aboriginal Leadership (LEAD)
Academic Writing (ACAD)
Accounting (ACCT)
Administrative Studies (ADMN)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Arts and Culture (CULT)
Arts and Culture Management (ACMT)
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Child and Family Studies (CHFS)
Classical Studies (CLAS)
Computer Science (COSC)
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Digital Humanities (DIGI)
Economics (ECON)
Education (EDUC)
English Studies (ENGL)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
Film (FILM)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
Finance (FINC)
First Year Foundations Experience (FYFE)
French (FREN)
Gender Equality and Social Justice (GEND)
General Science (GSCI)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
History (HIST)
Kinesiology (KINE)
Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
Marketing (MKTG)
Mathematics (MATH)
Native Studies (NATI)
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing Distance (NSGD)
Organizational Studies (ORGS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical and Health Education (PHED)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Russian (RUSS)
Science and Technology (STEC)
Social Welfare and Social Development (SWLF)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
Spanish (ESPA)
Technology Management (TMGT)
University Success (UNIV)
Course Listings
Psychology (PSYC)
Psychology (PSYC)
PSYC 1036 Applied Developmental Psychology
PSYC 1106 Introduction to Psychology I
PSYC 1107 Introduction to Psychology II
PSYC 2006 Childhood Development
PSYC 2007 Adult Development
PSYC 2020 Developmental Psychology for Educators
PSYC 2026 Methods in Behavioural & Social Sciences
PSYC 2126 Scientific Method and Analysis I
PSYC 2127 Scientific Method and Analysis II
PSYC 2206 Learning I
PSYC 2257 Psychology of Art I
PSYC 2267 Psychology of Art II
PSYC 2306 Psychology of Industry and Work I
PSYC 2307 Psychology of Industry and Work II
PSYC 2506 Health Psychology
PSYC 2605 Behavioural Neuroscience
PSYC 2616 Theories of Personality
PSYC 2706 Evolutionary Psychology
PSYC 2715 Biological Psychology
PSYC 2716 Emotion
PSYC 2806 Sports Psychology
PSYC 2807 Introduction to Social Psychology
PSYC 2906 Sensation
PSYC 2907 Perception
PSYC 3007 Science of Mind Reading
PSYC 3036 Ethics and Professional Standards
PSYC 3116 Literacy in Psychology
PSYC 3117 Autism Spectrum Disorders
PSYC 3127 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
PSYC 3136 ABA I: Introduction to Applied Behaviour Analysis
PSYC 3137 ABA II: Advanced Topics in Applied Behaviour Analysis
PSYC 3216 Psychological Measurement I: Measuring Achievement
PSYC 3217 Psychological Measurement II: Measuring Attitude, Personality, Interest, Intelligence, and Other Psychological Constructs
PSYC 3326 Hormones and Social Behaviour
PSYC 3356 Design and Analysis I
PSYC 3357 Design and Analysis II
PSYC 3405 Psychology of Education
PSYC 3506 Neuropharmacology
PSYC 3517 Research Methods in Social Neuroendocrinology
PSYC 3606 Psychopathology I
PSYC 3607 Psychopathology II
PSYC 3616 Personality and Adjustment
PSYC 3626 Psychological Disorders in Children
PSYC 3636 Psychology of Corrections
PSYC 3705 Cognitive Psychology
PSYC 3716 Motivation
PSYC 3807 Applied Social Psychology
PSYC 3906 Special Topics in Psychology I
PSYC 3916 Advanced Readings in Psychology
PSYC 3917 Special Projects Course
PSYC 4005 Systems and Theories in Psychology
PSYC 4016 Program Evaluation and Outcomes Management
PSYC 4017 Practicum: Applied Research & Evaluation
PSYC 4105 Senior Empirical Thesis
PSYC 4106 Assessment and Intervention Planning
PSYC 4206 Clinical Psychology I: Introduction to Counselling
PSYC 4207 Clinical Psychology II: Introduction to Assessment
PSYC 4215 Senior Research Seminar
PSYC 4216 Applied Developmental Neuropsychology
PSYC 4225 Practicum in ABA-Lifespan
PSYC 4235 Practicum in EIBI-ASD
PSYC 4257 Multivariate Statistics
PSYC 4306 Special Topics: Human Development & Learning
PSYC 4316 Fieldwork on ABA
PSYC 4616 Neural Bases of Consciousness
PSYC 4637 Psychology of Crime and Victimization
PSYC 4706 Advanced Neuroanatomy
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947
Nipissing University 2024