
Responsibility for Registration

It is each student’s responsibility to ensure that their course registrations and course changes meet their degree requirements.

No further registrations will be accepted once the limit set for the class size has been reached. Students may place themselves on a waiting list and will be offered a space if one becomes available.

The Important Dates section of the Academic Calendar specifies the registration periods for Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer courses.

The academic timetable for the Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer terms will be available through WebAdvisor in the Spring of each year.

New Students

Registration information packages will be mailed to all new students. New Student Orientation (NSO), including Academic Advising and Course Registration sessions, will be held during the summer prior to the start of fall classes. New students are strongly encouraged to participate in one of the New Student Orientation (NSO) programs and register for courses while on campus. All new students, and especially those with transfer or advanced-standing credit, are encouraged to seek academic advice prior to registering for courses.

Students in the Consecutive BEd program will be sent their registration package in the summer. The Office of the Registrar will inform Consecutive Education students about the registration process as part of the registration package.

Students registering in the Aboriginal Classroom Assistant Diploma Program, the Native Special Education Assistant Diploma Program, the Teacher of Anishnaabemwin as a Second Language Diploma Program or the Aboriginal Teacher Certification Diploma Program should contact the Office of the Registrar for application forms. Students in these programs will be provided with information upon registration.

Current Students

All students who were registered at Nipissing in the Fall/Winter term will receive registration instructions through their Nipissing student-email accounts about the next year’s registration cycle. It is each student’s responsibility to ensure they complete the registration process and submit payment within the specified deadlines.

Readmitted Students

Previous Nipissing students who have not registered in courses for more than a 18-month period are required to apply for readmission before they will be permitted to register and will be required to follow the degree and program requirements for the calendar year in which they resume their enrollment.  Registration information will be provided once they have been readmitted to the University. 

Registration Procedure

Students use WebAdvisor to register in their courses. Students are required to create a conflict-free class timetable. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar webpage at for registration instructions.

Academic Changes and Withdrawals

It is each student’s responsibility to understand the academic and financial consequences related to academic changes/withdrawals.

Program Changes

Students who wish to change their degree program must complete a Program Change Request Form on WebAdvisor.
Students unable to complete the Program Change Request Form on WebAdvisor should contact the Office of the Registrar directly for program changes.

Credits for practical/activity, clinical and education (EDUC) courses will only count in the degree program in which they were taken. All other courses will normally be credited toward the new degree program.

Course Changes

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate course changes.

Discontinuing attendance at classes, notifying an instructor or stopping payment does not constitute official withdrawal from a course.

Students who wish to withdraw from a course, add a course, or substitute one course for another, must do so through WebAdvisor*. Students may also do so in writing through the Office of the Registrar. The Important Dates section of the Academic Calendar specifies the withdrawal dates for Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer courses.

*This does not apply to practicum courses in the Schools of Nursing and Social Work or to courses in the Bachelor of Education program. To withdraw from those courses, students must receive approval for a deferral of placement or a leave of absence from their department.



An auditor is a student who is registered in a course(s), and who may participate in class discussion, but who may not hand in assignments or write examinations. An auditor does not receive credit for the course.

Students who wish to register as auditors or change status from credit to audit or audit to credit must contact the Office of the Registrar. The last day to register or make these changes is the last day of honourable withdrawal as per the Important Dates section of the Academic Calendar.

Students must have completed prerequisites or their equivalent in order to register as an auditor in any given course. Students may audit no more than the normal number of courses available to students in any one given session. Where such a course would constitute an overload, permission of an Academic Advisor is required.

The Academic Year

The academic year is comprised of two terms, Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer.

Fall/Winter Term

The Fall/Winter Term is comprised of three offering sessions, FA (Fall), WI (Winter) and FW (Fall/Winter)

  • Fall (FA) courses are typically offered over a period of 13 weeks, beginning in early September.
  • Winter (WI) courses are typically offered over a period of 13 weeks, beginning in early January.
  • Fall/Winter (FW) courses are offered over a period of 26 weeks, beginning in early September.

Fall/Winter term course offerings and course schedules vary from year-to-year. Details are normally available by late May of each year and students are encouraged to consult WebAdvisor for the most up-to-date information.

Students should refer to Course Loads/Overloads regarding registration regulations governing the Fall/Winter Term.

Spring/Summer Term

The Spring/Summer Term is comprised of four offering sessions, SP (Spring), SU (Summer), SS (Spring/Summer), and SI (Summer Institute)

  • Spring (SP) courses are typically offered over a period of 6 weeks, normally beginning in early May.
  • Summer (SU) courses are typically offered over a period of 6 weeks, normally beginning in late June.
  • Spring/Summer (SS) courses are offered over a period of 13 weeks, beginning in early May.
  • Summer Institute (SI) courses are typically offered over a period of 2 weeks at various times between the months of May and August.

Spring/Summer term course offerings and course schedules vary from year-to-year. Details are normally available by early March of each year and students are encouraged to consult WebAdvisor for the most up-to-date information.

Students should refer to Course Loads/Overloads regarding registration regulations governing the Spring/Summer Term.

Registration Status for Graduate Students

Graduate Students are referred to as full-time or flex-time on the basis of the program in which they are enrolled. Regardless of this classification, all students have access to university facilities and are expected to take part in the academic life of their program and the university. All graduate students are deemed to be full-time unless declared otherwise.

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Continuous Enrollment

Graduate students are required to maintain continuous enrollment in every Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer term until the completion of their program requirements. Students are responsible for ensuring that they are enrolled by the appropriate deadline for each term.  Students who have not registered in an academic course offering or placeholder course, been granted a Leave of Absence, completed their program requirements or voluntarily withdrawn from their program by the last date to register in a term will be billed a continuation fee for that term.

Students are considered enrolled for a term when they have paid all applicable tuition, continuation and incidental fees for the term.

Students who have failed to maintain continuous enrollment for at least one term, and have not been granted a Leave of Absence, will be withdrawn from their program.

Students wishing to complete their program after they have been withdrawn must apply for re-admission and pay the application fee. Students should be aware that readmission is not guaranteed, and, in the event of readmission, continuation of the same research project and/or supervisor cannot be guaranteed. Furthermore, students may not be able to count previously earned graduate credits towards the completion of their degree.

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Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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