Degree Framework

Degree Framework Combination Chart

Approved Degree Outcome Combinations M=Mandatory A=Available Options

Professional Programs

Professional Programs in Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Fine Arts (BFA only), Physical Health and Education, Nursing and Social Work are found in their respective areas of the Calendar and currently are not in the degree framework outlined below.

Bachelor (Honours)

Total Credits: 120
Standard years of study: 4 years

Honours SpecializationSpecializationMajor 1Major 2Minor 1Minor 2
(60 cr)
(60 cr)
(36 cr)
(60 cr)
(18 cr)
(39 cr)
(39 cr)

Bachelor (Four-year)

Total Credits: 120
Standard years of study: 4 years

Honours SpecializationSpecializationMajor 1Major 2Minor 1Minor 2
(54 cr)

(36 cr)
(54 cr)
(18 cr)
(36 cr)
(39 cr)
(36 cr)
(36 cr)
(18 cr)
(36 cr)
(18 cr)
(18 cr)

Bachelor (Three Year General)

Total Credits: 90
Standard years of study: 3 years

Honours SpecializationSpecializationMajor 1Major 2Minor 1Minor 2
(36 cr)
(36 cr)
(18 cr)

Bachelor (Three Year Liberal)

Total Credits: 90
Standard years of study: 3 years

Honours SpecializationSpecializationMajor 1Major 2Minor 1Minor 2
(18 cr)
(18 cr)

Students must choose one of the following degree options:

A) The Honours Bachelor Degree – 120 credits

Complete one of the following:

  • Honours Specialization – Students must complete 60 credits, with a minimum Honours Specialization average of 70% and an overall average of 60%. Students must include at least six credits at the 4000 level.
  • Honours Double Major – Students must complete 36 credits in each of two majors, with a minimum Honours Double Major average of 70% and an overall average of 60%. Students must include at least three credits at the 4000 level in each major, in addition to the required 36 credits.

B) The Bachelor Degree – 120 credits

Complete one of the following:

  • Specialization – Students must complete 54 credits with a minimum overall Specialization average of 60% and an overall minimum average of 60%.
  • Double Major – Students must complete 36 credits in each of two majors, with a minimum major average of 60% in each major and an overall average of 60%.
  • Major Program – Students must complete 36 credits, with a minimum major average of 60% and an overall average of 60%.

C) The Bachelor Degree (General) – 90 credits

Complete one of the following:

  • Major Program – Students must complete 36 credits with a minimum major average of 60% and an overall minimum average of 60%.
  • Double Minor (Liberal) – Students must complete two minors at 18 credits each, with a minimum Minor average of 60% in each minor and an overall average of 60%.

Program Combination Notes:

  • Programs in the same discipline may not be combined; for example, an Honours Specialization in History may not be combined with a Major in History or a Minor in History.
  • A course may only count for credit towards one program; for example, in a four-year Double Major in Sociology and Social Welfare and Social Development, SOCI 1016 is a required course for both majors. Although a student may use this course to satisfy the requirement in both programs, they must still present a total of 36 credits in each major.
  • The following programs are currently offered as Bachelor of Science (BSc):
    • Biology; Computer Science; Environmental Biology and Technology;  Environment and Physical Geography; Mathematics; and Psychology.
  • The following programs are currently offered as Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science (BSc):
    • Computer Science; Mathematics; and Psychology.
  • Minors may not be in the same discipline as the student’s program of study. Minors are subject to course availability.
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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