Policy on Student Records
The following policy on Student Records was approved at the February 12, 1993 meeting of the Academic Senate. By applying for admission to Nipissing University and by registering in programs or courses at the University, students accept the University’s right to collect pertinent personal information. The information is needed to assess students’ qualifications for entry, to establish a record of their performance in programs and courses, to provide the basis for awards and governmental funding and to assist the University in the academic and financial administration of its affairs. Students also agree that all documentation which they submit to the University in support of an application for admission, residence accommodation, financial award or any appeal or petition, becomes the property of the University. The University is committed to taking every reason-able step to protect the confidentiality of the information contained in the records of students. Unless compelled to do so by law, or authorized by the student in writing, the University will not disclose the contents of student records to any party outside the University. A record of students’ achievements at the University is preserved permanently, but all other documentation contained in students’ files will be destroyed when no longer required.
Information Contained in Student Records
A student’s record consists of the following components:
- personal information (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, citizenship, Social Insurance Number, gender, Ontario Education Number (OEN)etc.) Each student is required to provide either on application for admission or on personal data forms required for registration, his or her complete legal name. Any requests to change a name, by means of alteration, deletion, substitution or addition, must be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation. Upon making application for graduation, a student may be asked to provide proof of his or her name;
- basis of admission (application, record of previous studies, letters of recommendation, test results, etc.);
- enrolment information (programs of study, dates of attendance, courses followed);
- performance information (examination results, narrative evaluations, distinctions, sanctions, degrees obtained);
- results of petitions and appeals filed by the student;
- medical information relevant to a student’s academic performance, and provided at the request, or with the consent, of the student.
Storage and Conservation of Records
The University stores student records in physical (paper) and in electronic (machine-readable) form.
1) Physical records are stored in the Office of the Registrar. Each student’s file will normally contain:
- all letters and admission forms which bear the signature of the student;
- official supporting documentations provided by, or at the request of, the student (e.g. record of previous studies, letters of recommendation, medical certificates);
- other factual* documentation considered pertinent to the student’s studies.
2) Electronic records contain all the information required to monitor the progress and performance of students, produce periodic performance reports, and provide attestations of achievement and official transcripts. They also form the basis of management information needed for the operation of the University and for enrolment reports and statistical information required by government agencies.
* Unsubstantiated allegations or accusations are not incorporated in students’ records. Computer-generated performance reports can be readily reproduced and are, therefore, not necessarily preserved as part of the physical records.
Record Retention
- Physical records will normally be destroyed three years after graduation or last attendance at the University.
- Documentation submitted by applicants who are not accepted, or by applicants who fail to enrol following acceptance, is normally destroyed at the end of each admission cycle.
- All portions of a student’s electronic record which are needed to produce official transcripts are maintained permanently.
Access to Records and Disclosure of Information
- Public Access
- It is University policy to not make any information freely available to inquirers. This includes the student’s name, current registration status, field of studies, and degrees awarded by the University.
- Note: Student name and student ID number should not appear together on class lists, seminar lists, grade reports, etc., when they may be seen by the public.
- Student Access
i. Students have the right to inspect all documents contained in their own record, with the exception of evaluations and letters of reference supplied to the University with the understanding that they be kept confidential.
ii. Students have the right to request that erroneous information contained in their records be corrected, and that recipients of any information found to be in error be advised of the correction.
iii. Students wishing to inspect their records must make an appointment with an authorized official of the Office of the Registrar.
iv. Upon written request of the Office of the Registrar, students whose fee account shows no outstanding balance may obtain an official transcript of their record of studies at the University or have copies sent to a third party.
v. All official transcripts will be complete and unabridged. Partial transcripts cannot be issued.
vi. Documents pertaining to a student’s achievement at another institution, which may have been received by the University, will not normally be released or redirected.
vii. Final and official grades may only be released by the Office of the Registrar. Students may request their grades only after they are released by the Office of the Registrar.
- Employee Access
Employees of the University are permitted access to information contained in student records, if they need to know the information in order to perform their official duties. As a general rule, only employees involved in some aspect of academic administration or student affairs are given access to the contents of student records.
- Student Organizations
The Nipissing University Students’ Union (NUSU), as well as constituent organizations authorized by them, may obtain listings of students for purposes of communicating with their membership. Listings will be provided by the Office of the Registrar upon written request signed by an authorized officer of NUSU with the understanding that the information will not be disclosed to third parties and will not be used for solicitations or commercial purposes.*
- Legally Mandated Access
Specified records or portions thereof may be provided to persons or agencies pursuant to a court order, summons, or subpoena, directing the University to release information; to the Ministry of Education and Training in connection with enrolment audits; or in accordance with the requirements of duly constituted professional licensing and certification bodies.
- Emergency Disclosure
In emergency situations involving the health or safety of an individual, or in compassionate situations such as death or injury of a relative or friend of a student, the Registrar may, if it is considered to be in the best interest of the student, authorize the release of information.
* Charges may be made to cover the costs for production of mailing labels. Student information requested to be listed as confidential will not be released.