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Academic Calendar
Course Listings
Aboriginal Leadership (LEAD)
Academic Writing (ACAD)
Accounting (ACCT)
Administrative Studies (ADMN)
Anthropology (ANTH)
Astronomy (ASTR)
Biology (BIOL)
Chemistry (CHEM)
Child and Family Studies (CHFS)
Classical Studies (CLAS)
Computer Science (COSC)
Criminal Justice (CRJS)
Data Science (DATA)
Digital Humanities (DIGI)
Economics (ECON)
Education (EDUC)
English Studies (ENGL)
Environmental Science (ENSC)
Environmental Studies (ENST)
Film (FILM)
Fine Arts (FAVA)
Finance (FINC)
First Year Foundations Experience (FYFE)
French (FREN)
Gender Equality and Social Justice (GEND)
General Science (GSCI)
Geography (GEOG)
Geology (GEOL)
History (HIST)
Indigenous Studies (INDG)
Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
Marketing (MKTG)
Kinesiology (KINE)
Mathematics (MATH)
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing Distance (NSGD)
Organizational Studies (ORGS)
Philosophy (PHIL)
Physical and Health Education (PHED)
Physics (PHYS)
Political Science (POLI)
Psychology (PSYC)
Religions and Cultures (RLCT)
Science and Technology (STEC)
Social Welfare and Social Development (SWLF)
Social Work (SWRK)
Sociology (SOCI)
Spanish (ESPA)
Technology Management (TMGT)
University Success (UNIV)
Course Listings
Nursing (NURS)
Nursing (NURS)
NURS 1006 Professional Nursing 1
NURS 1016 Introduction to Holistic Nursing
NURS 1017 Aging and Health
NURS 1026 Clinical Practicum - Nursing Healthy Individuals
NURS 1027 Clinical Practicum - Nursing Older Adults
NURS 1037 Health Assessment
NURS 1176 Generativity and Life Inquiry
NURS 1187 Generativity and Life Reflection
NURS 1195 Generatvity and Life Transformative Practicum
NURS 1276 Functionality of Mind, Body, and Spirit I
NURS 1287 Functionality of Mind, Body, and Spirit Reflection
NURS 1295 Functionality of Mind, Body, and Spirit Transformative Practicum
NURS 1516 Introduction to Health Concepts across the Lifespan
NURS 1526 Introduction to Patho-pharmacology
NURS 1707 Nursing Practice Experience 1
NURS 2007 Concepts in Mental Health Nursing
NURS 2016 Care of Individuals and Families Experiencing Health Challenge
NURS 2017 Concepts in Maternity and Pediatric Nursing
NURS 2026 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Individuals Experiencing Health Challenges
NURS 2028 Clinical Practicum - Nursing in Specialized Settings: Mental Health
NURS 2029 Clinical Practicum - Nursing in Specialized Settings: Women and Children
NURS 2036 Development of Nursing Knowledge
NURS 2037 Advanced Patho-pharmacology
NURS 2047 Professional Nursing 2
NURS 2106 Clinical Practicum - RPN to BScN
NURS 2107 Reflective Practice - RPN to BScN
NURS 2207 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Individuals Experiencing Mental Health Challenges
NURS 2376 Hope and Possibility Inquiry
NURS 2387 Hope and Possibility Reflection
NURS 2395 Hope and Possibility Transformative Practicum
NURS 2476 Experiential Integration Inquiry
NURS 2487 Experiential Integrative Reflection
NURS 2495 Experiential Integration Transformative Practicum
NURS 2517 Therapeutic Relationships
NURS 2526 Pathophysiology
NURS 2706 Nursing Practice Experience 2
NURS 2707 Nursing Practice Experience 3
NURS 3006 Nursing Theories
NURS 3007 Community Health Nursing
NURS 3016 Family Nursing
NURS 3017 Nursing Across the Lifespan 1
NURS 3026 Clinical Practicum - Family Nursing in Diverse Settings
NURS 3027 Clinical Practicum- Nursing Communities and Populations
NURS 3036 Culture, Diversity and Nursing Practice
NURS 3116 Qualitative Health Research
NURS 3117 Quantitative Health Research
NURS 3207 Concepts in Mental Health Nursing
NURS 3217 Clinical Practicum: Maternal Child Nursing
NURS 3516 Population Health
NURS 3517 Concepts in Maternal and Child Health
NURS 3536 Indigenous Health and Wellness
NURS 3576 Retooling and Redesign Inquiry
NURS 3587 Retooling and Redesign Reflection
NURS 3595 Retooling and Redesign Transformative Practicum
NURS 3676 Challenging the System Inquiry
NURS 3687 Challenging the System Reflection
NURS 3695 Challenging the System Transformative Practicum
NURS 3706 Nursing Practice Experience 4
NURS 3707 Nursing Practice Experience 5
NURS 4006 Nursing Informatics
NURS 4007 Leadership & Management in Nursing
NURS 4016 Research in Nursing and Health
NURS 4017 Current Issues in Nursing
NURS 4024 Clinical Practicum: Nursing Preceptorship
NURS 4026 Clinical Practicum - Advanced Nursing Practice
NURS 4027 Clinical Practicum - Preceptorship
NURS 4036 Advanced Care of Individuals with Multi-system Health Challenges
NURS 4057 Special Topics in Nursing
NURS 4067 Leadership and Change in Nursing Practice
NURS 4126 Professional Practice 3
NURS 4436 Nursing across the Lifespan 2
NURS 4447 Concepts and Strategies in Pediatric Nursing
NURS 4704 Integrated Practicum
NURS 4706 Nursing Practice Experience 6
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada P1B 8L7 Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947
Nipissing University 2024