Administrative Studies (ADMN) - Economic and Management Decision Making
ECON 3056 Economic and Management Decision Making
ECON 1006,
ECON 1127,
ACCT 1107
ECON 2006,
ECON 2106,
ADMN 2167,
ADMN 3056
Three hours of lecture per week for one term.
This course examines the central decisions faced by managers and focuses on the financial and economic analysis required to guide those decision using qualitative and quantitative assessment techniques. Topics include evaluation of market competition, demand analysis and optimal pricing strategies, input procurement and inventory management, compensation systems, internal and external incentives faced by managers, short-term versus long-term decision-making, sustainability, game theory, uncertainty and risk analysis, and forecasting. This course includes the use of case studies. This course is also offered as
ADMN 3056.