Marketing (MKTG) - Innovative Approaches in Marketing
MKTG 4436 Innovative Approaches in Marketing
MKTG 2127
Three hours of lecture per week for one term.
Understanding key emerging marketing tools and approaches (e.g., social media-, mobile-, green-marketing, etc.) is an essential part of doing buisness in modern environment. This course will help students to think critically about emerging innovative approaches and technologies and their effects on marketing practices. Students will become familiar with the notion of the diffusion of innovation and will be introduced to a number of current marketing technologies and tools. Students are expected not only to learn these tools, but also to apply them while completing course assignments and projects. By having hands-on practical knowledge of newly learned marketing tools and approaches the students will not only gain experience with the chosen tools and approaches, but will learn to critically evaluate and assess the effectiveness and suitability of different tools for different projects.