Education (EDUC) - Conceptions of Student Risk and Resilience, and Educational Leadership
EDUC 5337 Conceptions of Student Risk and Resilience, and Educational Leadership
Three hours of lecture per week for one term.
Educational administrators and teacher leaders are being called on to develop and implement initiatives loosely directed toward 'students at risk.' Sometimes renamed as 'student success' or 'pathways to work,' these programs most often fail to address important underlying philosophical issues. Conflicting notions of student risk and resilience exist both within theory and practice. This course will examine the various and often conflicting meanings of risk and resiliency and the paradigms of educational leadership with which they most clearly align. It will address questions such as: at risk or resilient for what, according to whom, and under which conditions? The purposes of this course are to: become familiar with and critically examine different meanings of risk and resilience; critically apply this analysis to current ministry, board, and school policies, and procedures; and formulate and clarify personal understandings of the role of educational leaders in risk and resilience for students in their school communities.