Sociology (SOCI) - Honours Thesis I
SOCI 4096 Honours Thesis I
Restricted to students in the fourth year of an Honours Degree in Sociology or Criminal Justice or Anthropology. Students wishing to take this course during the following Spring/Summer or Fall/Winter session must apply in writing to the discipline no later than February 15.
SOCI 4095
To fulfill the requirements of this course, the student must design and submit a completed research proposal, including the thesis problem statement, literature review and proposed methodology. The research proposed in SOCI 4096 will be completed in SOCI 4097. Various forms of research may be proposed. The work is carried out under the supervision of a member of the Department. To fulfill the requirements of this course, the student must design and submit a completed research project to pursue in SOCI 4097. This course may be credited towards Anthropology.