Minor in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide) - “Blood and Soil”: An Introduction to the History of Genocide
HIST 1206 “Blood and Soil”: An Introduction to the History of Genocide
HIST 1017 if taken in 11FW or 13FW
Students are limited to a maximum of 12 credits of History at the 1000 level.
Three hours of lecture per week.
Students examine the history and practice of genocide in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Europe in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Students explore the role of the nation-state, imperialism, colonialism, racism, and war in understanding the evolution, implementation, and consequences of genocide. Students consider the history of victim and perpetrator groups and their relationship to modern ideologies of the State. This is a reading intensive course and students will be expected to participate regularly in class discussion.