RPN to BScN Blended Learning Program

Graduation Requirements:

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must also satisfy the Bachelor of Science (Nursing) degree requirements. Please refer to that section of the Calendar.

Program Requirements:


Admission to the RPN to BScN Blended Learning Program is limited. Further information can be found in the Admission Requirements section of the Academic Calendar.

Students must complete all nursing theory courses with a minimum grade of 60% in order to progress through the program and 50% in non-nursing required courses.

Students will be required to withdraw from the nursing program should they receive more than one grade of “unsatisfactory” in clinical courses.

Students must complete the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program in seven (7) years from the original date of admission. 

ACAD 1601     Academic Writing                                                              3 cr.
BIOL 1011 Human Biology and Biochemistry 3 cr.
MATH 1267 Applied Health Statistics 3 cr.
BIOL 2116 Principles of Microbiology 3 cr.
NSGD 2007 Concepts in Mental Health and Addictions 3 cr.
NSGD 2147 RPN to BScN Role Transition 3 cr.
NSGD 2216 Critical Inquiry and Evidence Informed Practice 3 cr.
NSGD 2226 Concepts in Reproductive Health and Developmental Growth 3 cr.
NSGD 2236 Polulation Health 3 cr.
NSGD 2246 Chronic Illness and Palliative Health Challenges 3 cr.
NSGD 2256 Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning 3 cr.
NSGD 3006 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice 3 cr.
NSGD 3216 Research in Nursing Practice 3 cr.
NSGD 3336 Culture and Nursing Practice 3 cr.
NSGD 3116 Concepts in Family and Community Health 3 cr.
NSGD 3126 Indigenous Health and Wellness 3 cr.
NSGD 3706 Practice Experience 1 3 cr.
NSGD 3707 Practice Experience 2 3 cr.
NSGD 4137 Complex Health and Multi-System Challenges 3 cr.
NSGD 4706 Practice Experience 3 3 cr.
NSGD 4777 Leadership in Action 3 cr.
NSGD 4704 Integrated Practice Experience 12 cr.
Advanced Topic Group A* 3 cr.
Advanced Topic Group B* 3 cr.
Electives   9 cr. 


*Note: Advanced Topics

Students are required to take at least 3 NSGD credits from each of the Advanced Topics groupings listed below.

A maximum of 9 credits from NSGD Advanced Topics courses may be counted toward the BScN degree.  Courses offered will vary each term.  Some courses may be limited enrolment or may not be offered every term or year. 

Group A 

NSGD 4006 Nursing Informatics 3 cr. 
NSGD 4266 Advanced Topics in Leadership and Management 3 cr. 
NSGD 4286 Advanced Pharmacotherapeutics 3 cr. 
NSGD 4276 Promoting Healthy Workplace Environments 3 cr.

Group B 

NSGD 4246 Disability, Society and Health Care 3 cr. 
NSGD 4256 High Acuity Nursing 3 cr. 
NSGD 4236 Population and Community Health Nursing Practice 3 cr. 


Note: Non-Academic Clinical Placement for all Practicum Courses:

Upon admission to the program, and on an annual basis, each student is required to submit their non-academic clinical placement requirements. These requirements include School of Nursing forms, Proof of Vaccinations including Influenza Vaccination, proof of CPR certification, proof of successful Mask Fit Testing, and a valid Police Vulnerable Sector Check.

Students are required to follow email notices from the Clearance office informing them of all clearance requirements, the acceptable dates for each document as well as clearance deadlines.

Submission of false, misleading, mispresented, altered, omitted or forged documentation is considered academic and professional dishonesty. Such behaviour will be reported to the College of Nurses in Ontario and will also result in serious consequences as listed in the university policy on academic dishonesty up to and including suspension and expulsion fromthe university.

Dosage Calculation Testing:

Each student must successfully complete three mandatory Dosage Calculation Competency Tests while in the program to be eligible for the Practice Experience courses. Refer to Program Student Handbook for test schedule and additional requirements.


Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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