Criminal Justice (CRJS)
CRJS 1087 Introduction to the Canadian Criminal Justice SystemCRJS 1206 An Introduction to Canadian Law
CRJS 2106 Psychology and Law
CRJS 2216 Civil Law and Civil Procedure
CRJS 2306 Taking Criminological Theory to the Movies
CRJS 2316 Introduction to Organized Crime
CRJS 2926 An Introduction to Forensic Science
CRJS 3106 Forensic Psychology I
CRJS 3107 Forensic Psychology II
CRJS 3206 Canadian Criminal Law and Criminal Proceedings
CRJS 3336 Women and the Criminal Justice System
CRJS 3406 Serial and Mass Murder I
CRJS 3407 Serial and Mass Murder II
CRJS 3416 Aboriginal Legal Studies
CRJS 3426 Terrorism
CRJS 3926 Special Topics in Criminal Justice I
CRJS 3927 Special Topics in Criminal Justice II
CRJS 3936 Youth in Conflict with the Law
CRJS 4006 Issues in Forensic Mental Health
CRJS 4016 Issues in Family Law
CRJS 4026 Criminal Organizations
CRJS 4105 Honours Thesis
CRJS 4346 Field Placement
CRJS 4466 Program and Policy Evaluation
CRJS 4476 Senior Seminar in Criminal Justice
CRJS 4916 Policing and Society
CRJS 4917 Criminal Investigation
CRJS 4926 Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice I
CRJS 4927 Advanced Topics in Criminal Justice II
CRJS 4937 Honours Seminar in Professional Development
CRJS 2086 Introduction to Criminological Theory
CRJS 3086 Law and Society
CRJS 3087 Law and Society II
CRJS 4467 Advanced Criminological Theories
CRJS 4347 Applied Criminological Theory
CRJS 4477 Penology