Organizational Studies (ORGS)
ORGS 1136 Introduction to Organizational Behaviour
ORGS 1137 Management of Human Resources

ORGS 2006 Recruitment and Selection

ORGS 2007 Business & Government Relations in Canada

ORGS 2117 Industrial Relations

ORGS 3006 Management Practices for Sustainable Business

ORGS 3007 Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility

ORGS 3016 The Evolution of Business: Comparative Perspectives

ORGS 3146 Compensation and Rewards

ORGS 3147 Occupational Health and Safety

ORGS 3246 Human Resources Research and Information Systems

ORGS 3247 Human Resources Planning

ORGS 3307 Gender and Diversity in Organizations

ORGS 3836 Training and Development

ORGS 4706 Organization Structure and Design

ORGS 4837 Organization Development and Change