Philosophy (PHIL)
PHIL 1116 Introduction to Western Philosophy
PHIL 1117 Values and the Human Condition

PHIL 2305 Origins of Western Philosophy

PHIL 2505 Reasoning and Logical Argument

PHIL 2525 Contemporary Moral Issues

PHIL 2706 Ethical Theory: Moral and Ethical Perspectives

PHIL 2716 Bio-Ethics

PHIL 2717 Environmental Ethics

PHIL 3205 Philosophy of Sex and Love

PHIL 3335 History of Modern Philosophy

PHIL 3336 Reason and Experience in Modern Philosophy

PHIL 3337 Idealism and Its Critics

PHIL 3476 Existentialism I

PHIL 3616 Philosophy of Religion

PHIL 3636 Philosophy of Law

PHIL 3706 Eastern Philosophy I: Confucianism, Taoism, and Zen

PHIL 3707 Eastern Philosophy II: Classical Indian Philosophy

PHIL 3756 Special Topics Social and Political Philosophy

PHIL 3757 Special Topics in Social and Political Philosophy

PHIL 4105 Directed Studies

PHIL 4206 Seminar in Philosophy

PHIL 4207 Seminar in Philosophy

PHIL 4216 Seminar in Philosophy

PHIL 4217 Seminar in Philosophy

PHIL 4305 Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy