Graduate Program and Degree Requirements

The University reserves the right to modify the academic programs and regulations at its discretion. The most current information is available from the School of Graduate Studies website. Each program may have specific regulations in addition to those listed below.

Program Regulations

Program of Studies Approval

The Program of Studies shall meet program requirements as approved by Senate, and includes the required courses (including directed studies), work terms or other practice-based components, any competency exams, scholarly components, or other requirements. In all graduate programs the Program of Study must be approved before the student registers in the program and must include a detailed schedule for progress and completion.

For a Master of Arts, Master of Science and Master of Environmental Studies/Sciences, each student has a Program of Studies prepared by the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies. In cases of programs with a Major Research Paper (MRP) or Thesis component, consultation will include the Research Supervisor.

For the Master of Education program, each admitted student must consult with his or her Graduate Faculty Advisor regarding the required courses, elective courses, and the Program of Study. The Program of Study must indicate the option for completion, one of: Thesis, MRP or a 9 course plus research project and seminar.

For the Doctor of Philosophy in Educaiton program, each admitted student must consult with his or her Graduate Faculty Advisor regarding the Program of Study.

Program Requirements

Scholarly Content

All graduate programs at Nipissing University have a defined scholarly research component, which may take the form of a Thesis, a MRP, or a Research Project and Seminar.

Where appropriate for the discipline or field, another specified activity designed to test the acquisition of analytical and interpretive skills may be used. This may include a series of shorter research papers within courses, an exhibit of works, or a creative performance. In such cases, the appropriate scholarly content must be approved by the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies.

Practice-based Content

Where appropriate and possible, graduate programs at Nipissing have a defined practice-based component. This includes a co-op work program, a practicum, a work-term, a professional, community-or industry-based project/paper or Thesis, or some other form of practice-based or service-learning assessment.


With the exception of MRPs or Theses and courses with a Pass/Fail grade, the standardized grading system for graduate courses at Nipissing University is:

A+ 90-100%  
A 85-<90%  
A- 80-<85%  
B+ 76-<80%  
B 70-<76%  
F <70%  

Graduate students must receive a grade of 70% or higher to receive credit for a course; however, each program may have further specific degree requirements.

Required Withdrawal from University

  • Students who receive a final mark of less than 70% in one graduate course will be placed on academic probation. If the course is a required one, students MUST repeat the course and obtain at least 70% in the repeated course.
  • If a student receives a final mark of less than 70% in two graduate courses, the student will be required to withdraw from the University.
  • Students who are required to withdraw from the University will not be eligible to receive funding for the remainder of the year.
  • Students who are required to be withdrawn from the University for academic reasons and who wish to re-apply may do so after one calendar year following the required withdrawal date.

Appeals of Academic Decisions

Appeals normally are heard regarding possible inequities in the process used in grading. Should a student not be satisfied with an awarded grade, he or she may appeal using the appeal process found within the Academic Calendar.

MRP/Thesis Regulations

MRP/Thesis Title Approval

Students shall register the title of their MRP/Thesis no later than the end of the first term (or equivalent for part-time students). The application has to be approved by their Research Supervisor and Second Reader (if applicable) before being submitted to the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies for final approval.

MRP/Thesis Oral Proposals

Individual programs may require the student to do an oral presentation as part of the MRP/Thesis proposal.

For programs that require students to present their research proposals, both the Research Supervisor(s) and Graduate Coordinator/Chair must give approval for the student to proceed with the writing of their MRP/Thesis.

Minimum Time to Review

The External Examiner must be given a minimum of two weeks to review a MRP or Thesis; however individual programs may have specific time-related requirements.

Supervisor and Examination Committees

Information regarding supervisory and examination committee composition and responsibilities is available on the School of Graduate Studies website under Regulations.

Student’s Right to Proceed to Examination

A student may not normally proceed to examination until approved to do so by the supervisory committee. A student has the right to proceed to examination without the approval of the supervisory committee if the student signs a written statement to that effect.

MRP/Thesis Temporary Restricted Access

At least a month prior to the time of submitting the MRP/Thesis, a student may apply to the Associate Vice-President Academic & Graduate Studies requesting that the MRP/Thesis be withheld from deposit in the library for an additional three (3) months.

For any additional period of six (6) months, the student must submit a request for extension one month prior to the termination of the previous period. The student’s supervisor will be required to justify the extension of the restriction.

The period of restriction for which a student may apply will not exceed more than two years from the date of the degree being approved. There is no unlimited period of restriction.

Reasons for exemptions are as follows:

  • Publication: to refrain from releasing data contained in the research while publications are prepared.
  • Patent: disclosure of data or research results usually prevent the issuance of a patent. What has become public knowledge could not be patented.
  • Security and safety: some data or information contained in the research could endanger the security or safety of individuals, including racial, ethnic and/or political persecution.
  • Actionable breach of confidence: disclosure of information constitutes a breach of confidentiality agreement and is actionable by the owner of the information (e.g. intellectual property rights).
  • Third party liability: due to publication of information third parties mentioned in the text could face legal challenge or liability.
Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: 705.474.3450 | Fax: 705.474.1947 | TTY: 877.688.5507

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