Student Appeals and Petitions


  1. An appeal to the Dean is a request that a grade on a particular piece of work or final standing in a course or program be changed on grounds related to the accuracy or fairness of the mark assigned. These grounds must be provided by the individual making the appeal.
  2. An appeal to the Committee is a request that a decision of the Dean regarding an appeal or petition to the Dean be changed or a request that a decision with regard to academic dishonesty be changed.

Appeals Procedures Concerning Academic Dishonesty

Appeals of decisions concerning academic dishonesty shall be submitted directly to the Chair of the Committee. 

Appeals Procedures for Matters other than Academic Dishonesty

1. Any student who feels there are grounds for an appeal should immediately try to discuss the matter with the instructor. If the student is not satisfied with this informal session, the student must, as soon as possible, and not later than 30 days after official notification of the final grade, discuss the matter with the Dean.

2. In the event that the Dean is not able to mediate a resolution, a formal appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean specifying:

           i) The grade, decision, conduct, or course requirement being appealed for change;

           ii) The relevant dates on which the grade was assigned, the decision taken, or conduct occurred;

           iii) Full details of the grounds on which the appeal is made, including copies of all relevant documents;

           iv) The precise redress requested.

3. The Dean will consider the appeal and will render a written decision within 30 calendar days of receipt of the formal request. The written decision will address the grounds on which the request was made and indicate which grounds were accepted or rejected and why. Copies of the written decision will be provided to all parties concerned. In the event that the precise redress requested by the Appellant is not granted by the Dean, the Dean must inform the Appellant of his/her right to appeal the Dean’s decision to the Student Appeals Committee.

4. If the Appellant wishes to appeal the Dean’s decision to the Student Appeals Committee such appeal must be launched within 14 calendar days from the date the Dean’s decision was rendered. Such an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean’s office for transmission to the Chair of the Committee and must clearly specify those points of the Dean’s decision which are being appealed. It should be noted that this is not the place to introduce new issues not previously raised in the appeal or petition to the Dean, and the Committee will not consider these new issues.


  1. Once an appeal of the Dean’s decision has been lodged, the Appellant is entitled to have reasonable notice of Committee meetings to hear evidence. The Appellant is expected to meet all reasonable deadlines with regard to the submission of material;
  2. The Dean shall forward to the Committee Chair the appeal or petition and supporting documentation that formed the basis for the Dean’s decision. The Committee Chair shall normally call a meeting within 10 calendar days of receipt of the aforementioned material;
  3. The student and the Dean are entitled to at least five calendar days notice of the scheduled meeting(s) of the Committee.  

Appeals Procedures for Observation and Practice Teaching within the Schulich School of Education Appeal Process for Practicum Placements:

  1. Not later than 10 business days after official notification of the final grade in Observation and Practice Teaching, students wishing to appeal the mark must submit a formal appeal, in writing, to the Dean, specifying:
    1. the relevant dates on which the grade was assigned,
    2. full details of the grounds on which the appeal is made, including copies of all relevant documents,
    3. the precise redress requested.
  2. The Dean will consider the appeal and will render a written decision within 20 business days of receipt of the formal written appeal. The written decision will address the grounds on which the request was made and indicate which grounds were accepted or rejected and why. Copies of the written decision will be provided to all parties concerned. In the event that the Dean denies the appeal, the Dean must inform the Appellant of his/her right to appeal the Dean’s decision to the Student Appeals Committee.
  3. If the Appellant wishes to appeal the Dean’s decision to the Student Appeals Committee, such appeal must be launched within 10 business days from the date the Dean’s decision was rendered. Such an appeal must be submitted in writing to the Dean’s office for transmission to the Chair of the Student Appeals Committee, and must clearly specify those points of the Dean’s decision that are being appealed. It should be noted that this is not the place to introduce new issues not previously raised in the appeal or petition to the Dean, as the Committee will not consider these new issues.


  1. Once an appeal of the Dean’s decision has been lodged, the Appellant is entitled to have reasonable notice of Committee meetings to hear evidence. The Appellant is expected to meet all reasonable deadlines with regard to the submission of material;
  2. The Dean shall forward to the Committee Chair the appeal or petition and supporting documentation that formed the basis for the Dean’s decision. The Committee Chair shall normally call a meeting within 10 calendar days of receipt of the aforementioned material;
  3. The student and the Dean are entitled to at least five calendar days notice of the scheduled meeting(s) of the Committee.


EDUC 4714 Practicum I

EDUC 4855 Practicum II

EDUC 4858 Community Leadership Experience


Guidelines for the Senate Committee on Student Appeals and Individual Appeals Panels Student Appeals Committee


  1. Ex Officio Members:
    1. the Registrar, who shall be Chair.
  2. Members Elected by Senate:
    1. one (1) tenured or tenure-track faculty Senator from each Faculty, one of whom shall be elected by the Committee to serve as Vice-Chair;
    2. one (1) faculty non-Senator* from each Faculty;
    3. one (1) student representative from each Faculty; and
    4. one (1) graduate student representative.
      * tenured or tenure-track faculty preferred
  3. Terms of Reference:
    1. to periodically review University policies and procedures regarding student appeals (other than petitions for exceptions to University academic regulations), and to make recommendations to Senate as necessary and appropriate;
    2. where it appears that University policies or practices are giving rise to otherwise avoidable student appeals, to draw this to the attention of the appropriate University bodies or individuals for further consideration and possible action;
    3. to receive student appeals and convene individual Appeal Panels to provide an impartial adjudication of last resort for students who have exhausted all other prescribed avenues of appeal; and
    4. to deal with such other matters as may be assigned from time to time by Senate.

Individual Appeal Panels

  1. Members (to be determined by the Student Appeals Committee):
    1. three (3) faculty members of the Student Appeals Committee from outside the appellant’s Faculty, with the two (2) members who have served longest on the Committee acting as Chair and Vice-Chair;
    2. one (1) faculty member of the Student Appeals Committee from the appellant’s Faculty, but outside the appellant’s program area(s);
    3. one (1) student member or graduate student member of the Student Appeals Committee from outside the appellant’s Faculty;
    4. one (1) student member or graduate student member of the Student Appeals Committee from the appellant’s Faculty; and
    5. the Registrar and Institutional Analyst.
  2. Terms of Reference:
    1. to consider and rule on a student appeal of:
      1. a Dean’s decision in response to a request that a grade on a particular piece of work or final standing in a course be changed on grounds related to the accuracy or fairness of the mark assigned;
      2. a Dean’s decision in response to a request that a grade be adjusted or a course requirement be waived on compassionate grounds or because of extenuating circumstances; or
      3. a decision by a course instructor or Dean arising from an allegation of academic dishonesty which results in a grade penalty or other punitive action, including a reference to academic dishonesty on the appellant’s academic transcript;
    2. to conduct the appeal hearing in accordance with University policies and procedures regarding student appeals;
    3. in the case of a grade appeal, to send the appellant’s relevant academic work to an external assessor for re-marking, if necessary and appropriate;
    4. to determine in each case that the original decision be:
      1. fully upheld; or
      2. partially or fully set aside, with specific details on any redress or accommodations which are being awarded; and
    5. to inform the appellant and the Dean in writing of the Appeal Panel’s ruling, including fully and clearly set out grounds for the decision.

* Decisions in (iv) are final and may not be appealed.


Academic Petitions

An academic petition is a request that you be granted an exception to an academic regulation with which all students must comply. A petition will be considered when your circumstance meets each of the following conditions:

  1. was beyond your control;
  2. could not reasonably have been anticipated or overcome; and
  3. has seriously affected your studies.

To initiate an academic petition, students must submit the following forms/information to the Office of the Registrar and Institutional Analyst:

  1. A completed copy of the Academic Petition Form;
  2. A Personal Letter (typed or clearly handwritten);
  3. Any relevant supporting documentation (i.e. petitions submitted on medical grounds require an Attending Physician’s Statement; those requesting late course registration must include a Late Course Registration Form, etc.).

Please Note:

  • Academic petitions are not appropriate for grade appeals, coursework issues within the term, course content concerns or fee refund requests.
  • Undergraduate Standing and Petitions Subcommittee decisions are final and may not be appealed.

Guidelines for the Operation of the Undergraduate Standing and Petitions Subcommittee

The Committee shall consist of:

  • The Registrar (non-voting), who shall be Chair; and
  • The Dean, or designate, of each Faculty.
  • One Faculty Senator or non-Senator from each Faculty, one of whom shall be elected by the Committee to serve as Vice-Chair;
  • One student representative from each Faculty.

Terms of Reference

  1. to periodically review the University’s policies and criteria with respect to defining and assessing undergraduate academic standing, and make recommendations to the Undergraduate Studies Committee as necessary and appropriate, for conveyance to Senate;
  2. to consider and rule on petitions by undergraduate students for exceptions to University academic regulations*;
  3. where it appears that undergraduate degree or program requirements or other academic regulations are giving rise to otherwise avoidable student petitions, to draw this to the attention of the Undergraduate Studies Committee or other individuals for further consideration and possible action;
  4. through the degree audit process, to identify graduating students who are eligible for consideration for major undergraduate academic awards and to forward this information to those charged with making the final selections;
  5. to deal with such other matters as may be assigned from time to time by the Undergraduate Studies Committee or by Senate; and
  6. to rule on the admissibility of candidates who fail to meet normal University admission requirements, but who, in the opinion of the Registrar and Institutional Analyst, deserve special consideration*;

* Decisions in (ii) and (vi) are final and may not be appealed.


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