Academic Dishonesty Policy

The University takes a most serious view of such offences against academic honesty as plagiarism, cheating, and impersonation. Penalties for dealing with such offences will be strictly enforced.


Essentially, plagiarism involves submitting or presenting work in a course as if it were the student’s own work done expressly for that particular course when, in fact, it is not. Plagiarism should be noted and reported to the Dean. Students should be informed of the University’s definition and policy on plagiarism at the beginning of each course.

Most commonly plagiarism exists when:

  1. the work submitted or presented was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work;
  2. parts of the work (e.g. phrases, ideas through paraphrase or sentences) are taken from another source without reference to the original author;
  3. the whole work (e.g. an essay) is copied from another source; and/or
  4. a student submits or presents a work in one course which has also been submitted or presented in another course (although it may be completely original with that student) without the knowledge or prior agreement of the instructors involved.


Cheating at tests or examinations includes, but is not limited to, dishonest or attempted dishonest conduct such as speaking to other candidates or communicating with them under any circumstances whatsoever; bringing into the examination room any textbook, notebook, or memoranda not authorized by the examiner, or leaving answer papers exposed to view.


A student guilty of academic dishonesty may be subject to the imposition of one or more penalties, of which those listed below shall be exemplary:

  1. assignment of a grade of zero in the assignment, test, or exam;
  2. assignment of a grade of zero in the course in which the offence is committed;
  3. suspension from attendance in all courses in which the student is registered at the time the offence was committed, and loss of credit for any course or courses which have not been completed or in which no grade or final evaluation has been registered at the time the offence was committed;
  4. suspension from the Faculty;
  5. expulsion from the Faculty;
  6. suspension from the University; or
  7. expulsion from the University. Withdrawal from a course will not preclude proceedings in respect of academic offences committed in the course, and the right to withdraw may be refused where an academic offence is alleged.

Instructor’s Action

The initial responsibility for punitive action lies with the Instructor. The Instructor may assign a grade of zero for that particular assignment, test or exam, or may assign a grade of zero in the course. The Instructor will advise the Department Chair, the Dean, and the Registrar of the action taken.

Suspension or Expulsion by Dean

The Dean of the Faculty may exercise his or her authority to suspend or expel the student from the Faculty. The suspension or expulsion will be confirmed in writing to the student by registered mail and the Department Chair and the Registrar  will be notified.

Suspension or Expulsion by President

If, upon suspending or expelling a student from a Faculty, the Dean determines that the severe sanction of suspension or expulsion from the University is warranted, such a recommendation may be made to the President who may act to expel or suspend the student from the University.


  1. A student who is assigned a grade of zero in an assignment, test, or examination may appeal the grade to the Senate Appeals Committee.
  2. An undergraduate student who is suspended or expelled from the University may appeal that decision to the Senate Subcommittee on Undergraduate Standing and Petitions. A graduate student who is suspended or expelled from the University may appeal that decision to the Graduate Studies Committee of Senate.
  3. The final appeal in all cases shall be the appropriate Senate Committee.

Transcript Notation

  1. The symbols AD (Academic Dishonesty) will be entered on the student’s Academic Transcript.
  2. The notation “suspended (or expelled) from the Faculty (or University) for academic dishonesty” will be entered on the student’s Academic Transcript and Grade Report upon receipt of such a notice by the Registrar and Institutional Analyst from the Dean.
  3. The symbols RW (Required to Withdraw) will be entered in the grade column on the student’s Academic Transcript or Grade Report in the courses in which he or she was registered for that session except for the courses in which a “0” was given as a penalty or which have already been completed and a grade assigned.
  4. The record of a student will be cleared of the notation “suspended (or expelled) for academic dishonesty” upon re-admission to and successful completion of a degree program. The zero grades given because of cheating will remain but the symbol AD will be changed to F. The symbol RW will remain as such.


  1. A student who has been placed under suspension from a Faculty is conditionally eligible to apply for readmission or registration in the same Faculty at either the end of a specified time or thereafter.
  2. A student under suspension from a Faculty may not apply or be considered for readmission to the University in another Faculty until at least after the next regular Fall/Winter Session has passed.
  3. A student who is expelled from a Faculty is dismissed permanently from the Faculty with no right to apply for readmission.
  4. A student who is expelled from the University is dismissed permanently from the University with no right to apply for readmission.

Note: Suspension does not imply automatic readmission. An interview and subsequent positive recommendation from the Dean must satisfy eligibility for re-admission.


Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: 705.474.3450 | Fax: 705.474.1947 | TTY: 877.688.5507

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