Honours Specialization - Native Kinships with Environment
NATI 2005 Native Kinships with Environment
NATI 1005
Three hours of lecture per week.
This course examines Native cultures' responses to the rhythms and cycles of the natural world, and how human beings and the environment create a living, integrated system. Strong emphasis will be placed upon recognizing the esteemed relationships among mineral, plant, animal and human beings. This matrix is commonly understood in Native societies as possessing a bond of kinship or esteemed partnership among relatives. From a contemporary context, the politics and legalities of land and its resources will be characterized. The clashes, wounds and healings between various factions and systems will be brought into perspective. Further discussions will center on land claims, blockades and land cautions. Existing models of sustainable development as incorporated by Native people will be given special attention. Native view of land as the great determiner, stewardship and its capability of bringing about positive change, and traditional Native practices for sustaining balance in the natural world will be explored. Examples from various Aboriginal cultures, along with forecastings and important messages of their elders and other resource people will be presented. Students who have not completed NATI 1005 may request permission of the instructor to take NATI 2005. This course may be credited towards Anthropology.