Honours Specialization

Honours Specialization in Classical Studies

Graduation Requirements:

In addition to the program requirements listed below, students must also satisfy the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree requirements, which include regulations on first year and subject maximum and breadth requirements.

Program Requirements:

Students will need to achieve a minimum 70% average in the 60 credits presented for the Honours Specialization in Classical Studies.

Students must complete CLAS 1006 and CLAS 1007 with a minimum grade of 60% in each.

Students must complete 120 credits including 60 credits in the Honours Specialization as follows:
CLAS 1006 Greek Civilization 3 cr.
CLAS 1007 Roman Civilization 3 cr.
Twelve credits from: 12 cr.
CLAS 1106 Introductory Latin I  
CLAS 1107 Introductory Latin II  
CLAS 2116 Intermediate Latin I: Advanced Latin Grammar  
CLAS 2117 Intermediate Latin II: Introduction to Latin Literature  
CLAS 1206 Introductory Ancient Greek I  
CLAS 1207 Introductory Ancient Greek II  
CLAS 2216 Intermediate Ancient Greek I: Advanced Greek Grammar  
CLAS 2217 Intermediate Ancient Greek II: Introduction to Greek Literature  
One of:   3 cr.
CLAS 2416 The History of Ancient Greece: From the Bronze Age to the Death of Cleopatra  
CLAS 2417 The History of Ancient Rome: From the Beginning to the Barbarian Invasions  
One of:   3 cr.
CLAS 2426 Famous Figures of Ancient Greece  
CLAS 2427 Famous Figures of Ancient Rome  
Two of:   6 cr.
CLAS 2306 The Greek Historians  
CLAS 2307 The Roman Historians  
CLAS 2316 Introduction to Ancient Greek Literature in Translation  
CLAS 2317 Introduction to Roman Literature in Translation  
CLAS 3326 Greek Drama and Theatre  
CLAS 3327 Roman Comedy  
Six Credits of:   6 cr.
CLAS 4416 Topics in Greek History and Culture  
CLAS 4427 Honours Seminar in Greek/Roman History and Culture  
CLAS 4417 Topics in Roman History and Culture  
CLAS 4427 Honours Seminar in Greek/Roman History and Culture  
CLAS 4495 Independent Reading/Research  
CLAS Upper level courses or courses cross-listed with Classical Studies 24 cr.

Breadth Requirements and Electives:

ACAD 1601   3 cr.
Social Science and/or Professional Studies 6 cr.
Science   6 cr.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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