Minor in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide)

Minor in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide)

Graduation Requirements:

A Minor in the Study of State Violence (War, Atrocity, and Genocide) is available to students pursing a program of study in a discipline other than History. Students will need to achieve a minimum 60% average in the 18 credits presented for the Minor. In addition to the requirements listed below, please refer to the Minor Requirements section.

Program Requirements:

Students must complete 18 credits in the Minor as follows:  
3 credits of:  
HIST 1006 Introduction to Historical Studies Topic: Global History of World War I, 1914-1918 3 cr.
HIST 1007 The Second World War 3 cr.
HIST 1206 Blood and Soil: An Introduction to the History Genocide 3 cr.
HIST 1506 The Idea of Canada 3 cr.
Fifteen credits of:    
HIST 2137 The Global Cold War 3 cr.
HIST 2206 W-A-R (Whiskey, Alpha, Romeo): An Introduction to War in the Modern Age 3 cr.
HIST 2226 The Making of Modern Europe: From Revolution to Total War, 1789-1914 3 cr.
HIST 2227 The Making of Modern Europe: From Total War to Revolution 1914-1991 3 cr. 
HIST 2336 The Vietnam War 3 cr. 
HIST 2447 Indigenous Treaties in Canada 3 cr. 
HIST 3005 History Travel Course 6 cr. 
HIST 3116 Topics in European or World History I Topic: Kriegsspiel: Warfare Imagined 3 cr. 
HIST 3237 Global Environmental History 3 cr.
HIST 3306 Canada’s Forgotten War: Obwandiyag and the Defence of Turtle Island 3 cr.
HIST 3526 Spooks: The Rise of the Secret Security State in the 20th Century 3 cr.
HIST 3565 Justice or Vengeance? Mass Atrocity, War Crimes, and Perpetrator Trials in History 6 cr.
HIST 3567 Slavery and the American Civil War 3 cr.
HIST 3577 The American Revolution and Early Republic, 1763-1825 3 cr.
HIST 3626 Swastikas, Swords, and Symbols: The Fascist Phenomenon in Historical Perspective 3 cr.
HIST 3705 The Holocaust: Nazi Germany, World War II, and the Genocide of European Jews  6 cr.
HIST 3716 Russian History From Kievan Rus' To the Russian Revolutions of 1917 3 cr. 
HIST 3806 Experiential Learning Course 3 cr.

Nipissing University
100 College Drive, Box 5002, North Bay, ON, Canada  P1B 8L7  Tel: (705) 474-3450 | Fax: (705) 474-1947

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